Independent review on

InVeris training solutions

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This review will not just talk about a shooting simulator, but about a company that has almost a century of history associated with the development of tools for conducting effective shooting training, both using simulators and real shooting from combat weapons. The company acquired its modern name InVeris training solutions only in 2020 during rebranding and a number of mergers of old companies, such as, for example, FATS (Firearms Training Systems). And the first mention dates back to 1926 and is associated with the name Caswell International.
Augmented Reality InVeris
Today, InVeris develops and implements into the training process of military personnel and law enforcement officers not only modern innovative solutions for bullet-free training, but also various physical targets, and also provides assistance at any stage of organizing a shooting range, from documentary design to the stages of construction and commissioning.
We will try to touch upon the main areas of InVeris's activities related to shooting training without the use of combat weapons.

Augmented Reality FATS AR

This is a development that is really worth our attention, allowing you to hit virtual targets in real locations. FATS AR, thanks to the scanning functionality, combines the physical environment of the room you are in with the result of computer graphics. In simple terms, you will be able to see your hands, feet, training weapons, physical obstacles in the room, as well as a realistic display of virtual opponents or other targets, using a headset and an augmented reality system. At the same time, training scenarios can be as diverse as possible due to the After-Action Review (AAR) functionality. FATS AR is designed to train close combat, as well as perform critical tasks in various simulated scenarios, including those with the potential for de-escalation.
Augmented Reality FATS AR
The simulator program allows for effective and safe training for four participants at a time, these can be both trainees and instructors supervising the training process. In addition, operators can change the course of the scenario during its passage by the trainee, depending on his level of training. Unique Bluefire weapon simulators are used as training weapons, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Virtual Reality FATS VR

Virtual Reality FATS VR
It's a bit simpler here, since virtual reality is more or less familiar to us due to reviews of shooting simulators such as Gaim and Ace. Training with FATS VR naturally involves the use of virtual reality glasses, which are widely known to us from the civilian segment, but the functionality of the equipment used is different. FATS VR equipment has a 360° viewing angle, which allows you to achieve maximum realism of the training process. The simulator program allows you to project the critical situation you need in virtual reality, using any location you need from the library (bar, parking lot, pawnshop, church, etc.). Separately, I would like to note the quality of virtual characters that convey emotions as realistically as possible, including those directly related to the training scenario. The functionality of FATS VR allows you to train up to 2 trainees simultaneously using the equipment, but in the future it is planned to increase this number many times.

Projection Systems

The next type of training simulators presented are virtual projection systems, in fact, this is a well-known virtual shooting range. Portable virtual shooting ranges from InVeris training solutions have several configurations depending on the intended purpose, and, like other similar systems discussed, are based on the principle of dry fire. Some configurations, such as FATS 100MIL, allow you to simultaneously train up to 15 people, using up to 60 weapons. This is the kit that is actively used in the training process by the United States Armed Forces, in particular, the Marine Corps. The kit has a functional similarity with the Pro Target Constructor and Pro Tactical Constructor programs. Separately, I would like to note the portability of the kits, since the entire simulator fits into a convenient case designed for carrying by one person. In most kits, the BlueFire weapon simulator is used as a weapon.

Bluefire Weapon Simulators

All types of training systems included in this review use the BlueFire training weapon. It is an intelligent laser model of a real combat weapon that does not have a wired connection to the simulator system. The BlueFire laser weapon system operates on a similar principle as the SIRT and Laser Ammo training pistols. It is worth noting that the InVeris training solutions company pleased everyone with a wide range of training weapons. Here are service pistols from companies such as Beretta, Glock, Browning, CZ, SIG, as well as service rifles such as the M4, M16, SA80, ARX160 and many others. But that's not all. The company also has training grenade launchers, sprays, stun guns and other weapons in its arsenal.

Interacting with our virtual shooting range

This is only a brief description of the inexhaustible potential of the products of the InVeris training solutions company, some of which can easily interact with the SHOOTING-SOFT software, as indicated by the manufacturer itself, specifying that, for example, the presented BlueFire training weapon is compatible with other types of shooting simulators.
We have developed a large number of software for shooting simulators. You can get acquainted with all products in the catalog.
Pre-installed shooting exercises and advanced 3D editor for dry fire. For government, military, law enforcement, police, self defense, bodyguards, security services, sports shooting, ISSF, IPSC / USPSA and IDPA practical shooting.
Pre-installed shooting exercises and advanced 3D editor for dry fire using artificial Intelligence of characters (3D models of human avatars). For government, military, law enforcement, police, self defense, bodyguards, security services.
21 different pre-installed shooting exercises and historical campaigns from Second World War for children and adults.
12 different pre-installed shooting games and exercises for children and adults.
24 different pre-installed hunting shooting exercises with 8 species of animals.
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