
Clay & Game Shooting Simulators
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Recently, our reviews have increasingly been devoted to virtual reality shooting simulators, as they are gaining more and more popularity. But this time we would like to talk about one of the first training systems, which stood at the origins of the entire shooting simulator industry. We will talk about the DryFire shooting simulator, which appeared on the market about a quarter of a century ago, at the very beginning of the 21st century.
The company Wordcraft International Limited, which is the developer of this training simulator, originates in the UK in the late 1970s. It has a very rich history associated with the development of word processors for microcomputers.
Dry Fire shooting simulator

A bit of history

Clay pigeon shooting is one of the oldest Olympic disciplines, which is very popular in Great Britain. Clay pigeon shooting as an Olympic discipline was first mentioned in the early 20th century. In its original form, instead of clay pigeons, live pigeons were launched into the sky, which were hit with a shot from a gun as a target. It is for this reason that sports clay pigeons are still called "clay pigeons" today. The British company Wordcraft International wanted to provide any owner of a hunting rifle with the opportunity to conduct regular safe training without wasting time on visiting a shooting range and money on buying equipment and cartridges. As a result, the appearance of the DryFire shooting simulator made it possible to effectively train in your own apartment or house.

A small nuance

Today, the simulator is presented in two configurations: a laser version and a projection version. Regardless of the configuration, the main part of the DryFire training system is a simulator with two moving heads, which have two holes in each. A laser is built into one hole of the head, the point of which, in the original laser version of the simulator, acts as a moving target, simulating a clay plate flying in the air. A camera is built into the second hole, which records hits on the laser point. It becomes clear that, like other laser shooting simulators, DryFire uses the principle of feedback with the target environment, so the weapon is equipped with a laser marker, which, using one of the presented types of devices, interacts with the trigger.
The laser itself is triggered when the trigger is pressed, or more precisely when it reaches its extreme position. The developer provides in its store both a laser marker for mounting on your weapon and a trigger switch for convenient placement on the trigger guard. At the same time, the developer specifies that DryFire works with any laser cartridge, even one made by yourself. The projection version of the training laser system is more familiar to us, and is a full-fledged interactive laser shooting range, for the operation of which a projector is required.
training on the DryFire simulator


The simulator software runs on both Windows and macOS. The company store also offers a shooting exercise designer. The functionality is slightly similar to the Pro target constructor software, but has more limited capabilities related to the specifics of clay pigeon shooting. Our virtual shooting range includes not only an exercise designer, but also developed scenarios designed for effective training of the military, law enforcement officers and private security, hunters, sports shooters, as well as entertaining games.
We have developed a large number of software for shooting simulators. You can get acquainted with all products in the catalog.
Pre-installed shooting exercises and advanced 3D editor for dry fire. For government, military, law enforcement, police, self defense, bodyguards, security services, sports shooting, ISSF, IPSC / USPSA and IDPA practical shooting.
Pre-installed shooting exercises and advanced 3D editor for dry fire using artificial Intelligence of characters (3D models of human avatars). For government, military, law enforcement, police, self defense, bodyguards, security services.
21 different pre-installed shooting exercises and historical campaigns from Second World War for children and adults.
12 different pre-installed shooting games and exercises for children and adults.
24 different pre-installed hunting shooting exercises with 8 species of animals.
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